About us

PRAGOMED, s.r.o. is a Czech family company established in 2008, with its registered office at Na Hřebenkách 1755/18, Prague 5. The Medical Director and CEO is MUDr. Jiří Musil, who also has a medical practice in Prague.
PRAGOMED, s.r.o. develops original and innovative dietary supplements, especially for care of the musculoskeletal system and urinary tract. PRAGOMED, s.r.o. cooperates with Czech doctors, who are familiar with the Czech clients’ needs, on the development and use of these products. This results in dietary supplements that suitably complement established procedures and thereby help improve the quality of life.
All our products have a manufacturing certificate guaranteeing their composition, have undergone laboratory testing, received the Health Safety Certificate from the State Institute of Health, and have been reported to the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. In light of the developments in EU legislation on health claims for dietary supplements, we continuously update our packaging and written materials in accordance with the relevant national authorities responsible for this area. Most importantly, however, we have many satisfied customers, which we consider to be our best reference.
In our effort to help as many Czech customers as possible, we operate an orthopedic and urology consultancy office, where you can get information, for example, regarding the nearest specialized health care facility, and where we can also explain various professional terms or recommend a specific doctor.
If you are interested, you can visit us in person at ArtroCentrum and UrogynCentrum, Štefánikova 28, Prague 5 and take advantage of a consultation with a doctor, free of charge, after making an appointment in advance (T: +420 257 312 677 or +420 725 752 369).
PRAGOMED, s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Division C, entry no. 143856.